Each year, the Access Fund awards up to $40,000 in grant money to local climbing communities with worthy projects that preserve or enhance climbing access. The Access Fund Climbing Conservation Grant Program is an example of your membership dollars at work in local climbing communities across the country. We are asking members and supporters to review qualifying grant projects and rate them, providing valuable input to our grant selection committee as to which projects you want to support.

The following grants are up for consideration during this round. Please rate each grant proposal. A rating of 1 means you think the project should be a low priority for funding. A rating of 5 means that you believe the project is very important, and must receive funding. The comment box at the bottom of the survey is for your comments on any or all proposed projects. If you comment on a specific proposal, be sure to state the project's title.

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* 7. Have additional feedback about the grant projects above? Provide your comments here.