Workshop 73: Children of High-Conflict Divorce at School: The Experiences of Teachers
This session will provide unique insights on how ongoing parental conflict can place school-aged children at risk of adjustment difficulties and mental health problems. The workshop will present the findings, implications and recommendations from the latest school-based research exploring children of divorce. This program is aimed to firstly facilitate an inter-disciplinary discussion and provide the audience with the opportunity to explore the implications of the findings in their own professional context, and secondly to explore how they might work with school settings to identify, support, and monitor children impacted by on-going parental conflict before, during, and after separation.

Question Title

* 1. Based on the content of this session, I am able to: (1=Strongly disagree, 5=Strongly agree)

  1 2 3 4 5
1. Gain a better understanding of the different ways school-aged children of divorce can be adversely impacted in the classroom; socially and emotionally and academically.
2. Identify ways family law professionals can collaborate with schools to identify, support and monitor children who are having difficulty adjusting and transitioning to new family arrangements and relationships.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate presenter: Stella Laletas, PhD (1=Poor, 5=Excellent)

  1 2 3 4 5
Level of knowledge and expertise
Teaching ability
Maintained my interest
Was responsive to questions, comments and opinions

Question Title

* 3. The content of the presentation was consistent with the abstract in the conference brochure

Question Title

* 4. Please rate this session presentation overall (1=Poor, 5=Excellent)

Question Title

* 5. How much did you learn as a result of this CE program? (1=Very little, 5=Great deal)

Question Title

* 6. Information presented in this session reflected the most current evidence on this topic (1=Disagree, 5=Agree)

Question Title

* 7. How useful was the content of this CE program for your practice or other professional development (1=Not useful, 5=Extremely useful)

Question Title

* 8. Additional Comments