Workshop 49: Bending or Breaking? Viewing the Impact of Cultural Differences through Developmental Science
Parents often struggle after separation to support cultural differences that they were able to blend when they were together. Post-separation and especially in high-conflict custody matters, feelings and values become polarized. The children in transition are often challenged to adjust to these differences, on top of the typical stressors associated with living in two homes. This workshop will explore ways in which parent’s differing cultural values can impact children’s adjustment from a risk and resilience framework and through the lens of developmental science.

Question Title

* 1. Based on the content of this session, I am able to: (1=Strongly disagree, 5=Strongly agree)

  1 2 3 4 5
1. Examine how polarized cultural differences can magnify the typical adjustment difficulties for children in transition.
2. Understand the impact of culturally influenced parenting differences on children’s adjustment through the lens of developmental science.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate presenter: April Harris-Britt, PhD (1=Poor, 5=Excellent)

  1 2 3 4 5
Level of knowledge and expertise
Teaching ability
Maintained my interest
Was responsive to questions, comments and opinions

Question Title

* 3. Please rate presenter: Nolanda Y. Robert, MS (1=Poor, 5=Excellent)

  1 2 3 4 5
Level of knowledge and expertise
Teaching ability
Maintained my interest
Was responsive to questions, comments and opinions

Question Title

* 4. The content of the presentation was consistent with the abstract in the conference brochure

Question Title

* 5. Please rate this session presentation overall (1=Poor, 5=Excellent)

Question Title

* 6. How much did you learn as a result of this CE program? (1=Very little, 5=Great deal)

Question Title

* 7. Information presented in this session reflected the most current evidence on this topic (1=Disagree, 5=Agree)

Question Title

* 8. How useful was the content of this CE program for your practice or other professional development (1=Not useful, 5=Extremely useful)

Question Title

* 9. Additional Comments