We are collecting AERA member testimonials to highlight on our website and in our social media. By completing this survey form, you are giving AERA permission to use the information provided in response to the questions below.  AERA may or may not use what you provide to us.  We are deeply appreciative of your taking the time to provide this information.  Should you have any questions, please contact members@aera.net.
What is your full name?
Please provide us with your highest degree.
If you know your AERA record ID number, please provide it.
If you are employed, what is the name of your employer?
If at a higher education institution, provide university name, school, and, if appropriate, department.
What is your position title?
If you are a student, what degree are you pursuing?
If you are a student, at what institution are you obtaining your degree?  Provide 
university/college name and school/department.
Provide best phone number to reach you.
Provide best email to reach you.
Tell us why AERA matters to you in less than 250 words.