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School Administrator Survey - Beginning Teachers (Years 1-5)

Dear School Administrator,

Our records indicate that you have hired one or more recently trained Spring Arbor University teachers. This survey is designed to gather employer satisfaction data on teachers who received their training in the past five years at Spring Arbor University. The information shared will be confidential and used for data construction purposes for an annual report required by Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

It is possible that in the past five years, you have hired more than one SAU trained teacher. We do not want to burden administrators with multiple surveys to complete. If possible, please complete one survey that reflects your general satisfaction levels with those teachers. However, if one of the SAU trained teachers is considered ineffective or minimally effective, please feel free to complete a separate survey on that teacher.

This survey consists of 26 questions that ask you to rate the Spring Arbor University teacher(s) in three areas: knowledge, performance, and dispositional. A section for writing comments is found at the end of the survey.  Beginning with Question #3, a four-point Likert scale is used to answer each question. The rating scale is as follows:

4 = Strongly Agree;  3 = Agree;  2 = Disagree;  1 = Strongly Disagree
Spring Arbor University trained teachers are guaranteed to perform at satisfactory levels. Information regarding the guarantee is found at the end of the survey.  

Thank you for your time in completing this survey.  If you have questions, please contact Dr. Dale Linton ( or 517-750-6413)

Question Title

* 1. What is your name and email address?

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* 2. List the name, or names, of the current SAU trained teacher(s) in your school who have been hired in the past five years (listed in survey request email).

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* 3. Please indicate your overall level of satisfaction with the Spring Arbor University teacher(s) hired in the past five years.

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* 5. Knowledge Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared with an understanding of how learners/students develop and grow.

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* 6. Knowledge Preparation- The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared for meeting the expected levels of content preparation and having the knowledge levels expected of a beginning teacher.

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* 7. Knowledge Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared for adhering to the ethical requirements of the teaching profession.

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* 8. Knowledge Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared for adhering to the legal requirements of the teaching profession.

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* 9. Knowledge Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to recognize the importance of continued professional development.

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* 10. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to provide appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

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* 11. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to provide an inclusive learning environment.

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* 12. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to provide a rigorous learning environment.

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* 13. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to work collaboratively with school leaders and/or colleagues to promote safe and positive learning.

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* 14. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to differentiate instruction to meet all students' learning needs.

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* 15. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to work effectively with students with all exceptionalities.

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* 16. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to develop quality assessments to test for student understanding of lessons.

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* 17. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to analyze student assessment data to improve my classroom instruction.

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* 18. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher was prepared to use appropriate strategies to effectively manage learning environments.

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* 19. Performance Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to integrate technological tools as appropriate to advance student learning.

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* 20. Dispositional Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to openly accept suggestions/constructive feedback.

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* 21. Dispositional Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to exhibit ethical practices.

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* 22. Dispositional Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to work effectively with other professionals.

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* 23. Dispositional Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to work effectively with parents/guardians.

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* 24. Dispositional Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to work effectively with school leaders.

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* 25. Dispositional Preparation - The Spring Arbor University trained teacher(s) was/were prepared to work effectively within the school culture.

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* 26. Use this space to share any comments pertaining to your thoughts about the preparation of the Spring Arbor University teacher or teachers you have hired in the past three years.

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. We value our Spring Arbor University teachers and guarantee their preparation and success as teachers. If you are unsatisfied with one of our trained teachers please contact us.  Click on the link regarding this guarantee: Spring Arbor Promise

To view last year's CAEP Accreditation Annual Report, click HERE.

Dale B. Linton, Ph.D. 517-750-6413

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* 27. Case Study Participation: Evidence of Positive Impact on Learning and/or Development of Students

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* 28. If you choose not to provide evidence for our case study, please consider answering this question: The Spring Arbor University trained teacher has effectively contributed to the learning-growth of their students?

Have you heard about the Spring Arbor University M.Ed. in Trauma and Resiliency? Understand trauma and its impact on students and the educational environment. Develop essential social-emotional instructional strategies for the classroom and beyond. Click HERE to learn more.
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