Woofts 2024 Feedback

1.Where did you hear about the Woofts event?
2.What did you and your family / group participate on the day - select all that apply
3.Did you spend money with any of the listed businesses or stalls - select all that apply
4.How do you feel about the costs of the activities provided by ADIN (NOT PURCHASES FROM PRIVATE BUSINESSES) ie the dog show entry fee, facepainting, treasure hunt sheet, tombola(Required.)
5.What was the best thing about the event?
6.What could we do differently next time to improve the event?
7.Are there any specific activites or stalls you'd like to see at a future event?
8.Overall, how would you rate the event?
9.Would you recommend the Woofts event to family / friends?(Required.)
10.Who did you attend with?
11.Did you have a dog or dogs with you at the event
12.If you'd like to support ADIN by being involved in volunteering at future events please add your email address below.