Share your voice to shape Asthma Canada’s research priorities.

Our Goal
Asthma Canada’s mission is to help Canadians with asthma lead healthy lives through education, advocacy, and research. Engaging and empowering the asthma community, advocating for improved health management, and supporting researchers working to find better asthma treatments are some of the many ways Asthma Canada strives to fulfill this mission.

So far, we have supported asthma research by investing in the next generation of leading asthma researchers, and by contributing to research across the country in finding new ways to prevent, manage, and treat asthma. One pillar of Asthma Canada’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan is to expand asthma-related research and research opportunities.

We are reaching out to you now, as a valued member of the asthma community, to help shape Asthma Canada’s research priorities moving forward. We want to make sure that we are prioritizing the questions or concerns that matter most to you!

This survey is only open to the Canadian asthma community. For example, fill out this survey if you are:
  • someone living with asthma
  • family member or caregiver to someone living with asthma
  • health professional or practitioner who treats people with asthma
  • researcher or research trainee who is working to better understand or treat asthma
  • an industry representative interested in asthma
  • a person or organization interested in asthma and lung health

Sharing Your Priorities for Research
We want to hear from you!

Think about your own personal or professional experience. What priorities, concerns, or questions about asthma would you like answered by research? Your priorities, concerns, or questions can be about anything that’s important to you and that you think is currently not known.

No priority, concern, or question is too small!

We will also ask a few questions about you. This is so we can make sure that a wide range of people take part.

Your Rights as a Survey Respondent
Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Your responses will remain secure and confidential. You may exit the survey at anytime. This survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete, depending on how much you choose to say.

Survey responses will be analyzed anonymously by two external consultants who have expertise in research priority setting activities and have been hired by Asthma Canada to support similar activities for the organization (Drs. Dawn Richards and Katie Birnie). Responses from the survey will be summarized and shared with Asthma Canada.

If you have any questions about the survey or Asthma Canada’s research priority setting activities, you can contact Jeff Beach, President & CEO at
20% of survey complete.