The Kokoda Scholarship provides funding for Year 11 students in the Euroa electorate to walk the Kokoda Trail and follow in the footsteps of our local war heroes at the 39th and 2/14th Battalions.

The purpose is to increase our younger generation’s awareness of the sacrifices made by our war heroes, so they are able to enjoy the lives and freedoms they relish today.

We have established a local committee with representatives from local RSLs, who support the project, as well as sponsors who are providing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to students.

The students trek the Kokoda Trail, including all the major battle sites, with a focus on those from their communities. At the completion of the Trail, they also visit the Bomana War Cemetery and the graves of the individuals.

The students also receive a briefing on the Northern Beaches campaign, which immediately followed the Kokoda campaign and involved the US army. They also visit the graves of some lost in the Northern Beaches campaign.

On return as part of this initiative, the students who participate become “Kokoda ambassadors” on return and share their experience by speaking at the local service clubs, community groups, RSL clubs and commemoration ceremonies that are held in the region.

The application process involves submitting answers to a short questionnaire (see below) and writing a short essay of no less than 400 words outlining:

1. What does the Kokoda Story mean to Australia.

2. A local connection to the Kokoda Trail.

Please email your essay and parental permission note to: annabelle.cleeland@parliament.vic.gov.au by Monday, November 25.

Full contact details name, address, email and mobile for student & parents must be provided below.

An independent panel made up of ex-service personnel will conduct the interviews. Students must attend these interviews on the nominated date.

The Kokoda Trek Scholarships (KTS) are being made available to Year 11 students only. Students may attend any school within the Euroa Electorate but must also live within the electorate.

The award is an opportunity to join a Kokoda trek with 'ADVENTURE KOKODA' and will take place from the 5th - 20th July 2025 School Holidays.

In addition to the scholarship, there will be approximate $600-$800 commitment required from participants for items including hiking boots and some incidentals and medical expenses.

Full participation in training is required. The successful applicants will be assisted with training and will also be chaperoned on the trek. A good level of mental & physical fitness is required.

KTS team reserves the right to refuse participation of those that are not appropriately prepared from a fitness perspective.

Duration of the adventure is 11days - nine days trekking.

Length of the trail is 120km.

International airfares, domestic airfares, PNG internal flight, accommodation, insurance, meals in PNG and personal porter costs are covered.

Full details on the trek itself can be found on the "ADVENTURE KOKODA website: www.kokodatreks.com

For any further details email annabelle.cleeland@parliament.vic.gov.au or visit the office at 25 Bridge Street E, Benalla Vic 3672

Question Title

* 1. Student name:

Question Title

* 2. Student Address:

Question Title

* 3. Student Mobile:

Question Title

* 4. Student Email:

Question Title

* 5. Parent/ Guardian Name:

Question Title

* 6. Parent/Guardian Address:

Question Title

* 7. Parent/ Guardian Mobile:

Question Title

* 8. Parent /Guardian Email:

Question Title

* 9. Student School:

Question Title

* 10. What is your interest in trekking the Kokoda Trail?

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* 11. How do you believe you would personally benefit from the experience?

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* 12. Do you have any medical conditions that you would need assistance with?

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* 13. Have you travelled interstate or overseas before and if so, when. where and why?

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* 14. Do you have any relations who have served in our Defense Forces and if so, who and where?