ACWA Carer Survey
Dear Carer,
The Association for Children Welfare Agencies (ACWA) invites you to complete a carer survey. ACWA is the NSW peak body representing the voice of NGOs that deliver services to vulnerable children, young people, and their families. The aim of the survey is to understand how carers can be supported for better outcomes for children in their care.
The Association for Children Welfare Agencies (ACWA) invites you to complete a carer survey. ACWA is the NSW peak body representing the voice of NGOs that deliver services to vulnerable children, young people, and their families. The aim of the survey is to understand how carers can be supported for better outcomes for children in their care.
Your responses are confidential and you will not be identified anywhere in the presentation of the results of this survey.
We opened this survey on the 12th of November and committed to offering five hundred $20 e-vouchers for completion of the survey. We have been overwhelmed with carer responses and have reached the limit of five hundred e-vouchers. However, we would really still love your feedback and would welcome you completing the survey and providing your valuable insights.
Thank you for your willingness to share your experiences. Please click 'Next' to start the survey.