Submit your ideas today!

The 2025 ACS-AEI Program Chairs are soliciting educational topics for the ACS Surgical Simulation Summit to be held March 20 -21, 2025 in Chicago, Illinois. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute your expertise and insights to the annual meeting.

We are seeking a wide range of topics that focus on the delivery of simulation-based surgical education and training. We invite you to submit a topic for a session and either volunteer to be the presenter or nominate someone for this role. Anyone who presents is expected to register and attend the Summit in-person, on-site in Chicago.

Keep in mind that the ACS Surgical Simulation Summit attracts a multidisciplinary audience comprised of clinical (surgeons, physicians, fellows, residents, medical students ) and nonclinical (directors, administrators, educators, researchers, engineers, sim techs) staff and leadership from all types of AEIs (academic medical centers, hospitals, military, etc.) so the Program Committee is interested in topics that meet the needs of all attendees.

Question Title

* 1. What is the topic/title of your proposed session? (please be clear, short, and descriptive)

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* 2. Please select which type of session would be best suited for your topic. Please note: CME will be offered for all session types.

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* 3. What is the ideal amount of time needed for this session? Please note: the Program Committee will determine the final timing of all sessions.

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* 4. Write a program description that describes this session and briefly explain why this is important. (please be clear, descriptive, up to 200 words)

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* 5. Please enter at least one learning objective of this session.

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* 6. Please describe the gap in practice that the proposed session will help address.

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* 7. Based on evaluation data from the 2024 Summit, the following categories are of interest to our audience. Please select which categories most closely match your topic (select up to three).

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* 8. What attendees would be most interested in this topic? (Select all that apply).

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* 9. Please check all listed instructional methods that apply to your proposed session, and describe any additional methods to be used:

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* 10. What competencies will be addressed by the content? (Select all that apply.)

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* 11. Please provide YOUR information:

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* 12. Proposed presenter name and contact information (if you are volunteering to be the presenter, please enter your information again) :

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* 13. Optional: Proposed moderator name and contact information (if you or someone you know would be a great moderator for this session, please let us know):

Question Title

* 14. Optional: If there is anything additional you would like to share with us related to your proposed topic/ session, please use the space below: