Event Date: Thursday, April 17

Event Time: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., optional tour immediately following

Event Location: Bethel University, St. Paul

Amy Johnston, member engagement coordinator
ajohnston@mncpa.org | 952-885-5534

Please complete this form by Thursday, April 3.

Each school can send 10 students who are considering studying accounting or business at the college level. Additional students can be added to the waitlist. We will confirm closer to the date if space will permit and we can accommodate wait-listed students.

Driving directions, a campus map and parking information will be sent with the final details one week before the summit.

Question Title

* 1. High School name

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* 2. Contact information of person completing form

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* 3. High School address

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* 4. Name and title of person(s) accompanying students

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* 5. Please list the full name of each student and their grade.

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* 6. The MNCPA will take photographs during this event. These photos may be used for marketing and promotion purposes, including but not limited to: program promotions, social media posts and MNCPA Footnote magazine. Please list the names of students (if any) that need to be excluded from these materials. Otherwise, leave this question blank.

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* 7. Social media user names (Instagram/Facebook or LinkedIn) for the high schools. This will be used to tag the high school on social media posts.

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* 8. Please list all students with allergies/dietary restrictions in this format: First & Last Name - Allergy/Dietary Restriction

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* 9. Will you be traveling by bus, van, or car?

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* 10. My school is in need of a grant to reimburse for travel/substitute expenses (Up to $100, 1 grant per school year.) **Please note that in order to be reimbursed, transportation form must be submitted within one week of the event.**

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* 11. Is your school is interested in an optional campus tour?

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* 12. Additional comments or concerns.