ACRL 2023 New Format! Community Chats

Want to get together with your fellow folks of any feather? Here is your chance to discuss, commiserate, and laugh with others who share similar interests. Community Chats are 50-minute informal sessions that provide space for unique communities to connect in-person in Pittsburgh or virtually. Suggestions include (but are in no way limited to) meet-ups with your colleagues in communities such as Parenting & Caregivers, LGBTQIA, BIPOC, Disability, Community Colleges, Tech Services, EDI Librarians, Sci-Fi Fans, Knitters, Musicians, and/or whatever identity or passion motivates you to connect.
Facilitators (maximum of 2 per session) must be registered for the conference and will be expected to lead the group and guide discussion. Groups may be limited in size due to room capacity (in-person or virtually). The only technology we’ll use for in-person chats are microphones (no projectors or slides needed). Depending on how many proposals are received, some Community Chats may be held concurrently with other conference sessions.
Submissions will be evaluated on the 150-word description, the appeal of the proposed session, demonstrated enthusiasm for the topic, and the three questions you’ll use to keep the conversation going. Submit to host a Community Chat in-person or virtually by January 31! 

Questions? Contact Tory Ondrla, 

Question Title

* 1. Facilitator 1 Contact Information:

Question Title

* 2. Facilitator 2 Contact Information: (if applicable):

Question Title

* 3. Is this Community Chat Proposal for: (select one)

Question Title

* 4. Session Title:

Question Title

* 5. Description (150 words max):
Make it enticing, this is what will be used in the online program.

Question Title

* 6. Three Sample Questions to Facilitate Conversation:

Question Title

* 7. Anything else you'd like us to know about your proposal or your needs as facilitator(s)?