Volunteer Sign Up for Kids2Careers Panel Events

Question Title

* 1. First & Last Name:

Question Title

* 2. Community Where You Live:

Question Title

* 3. Employer:

Question Title

* 4. Job Title:

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 6. Email Address:

Question Title

* 7. Please tell us about your education/career training (Please check all that apply)

Question Title

* 8. Panelists share their college & career prep experience for all Tiers while incorporating select Tier Topics into their story. Please check all Tiers with topics you are comfortable discussing.

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* 9. Which of the following are you comfortable discussing? (Please check all that apply)

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* 10. IN-PERSON events include an address. Events listed as Panel via Zoom (VIRTUAL) can be virtual or hybrid.

Please Mark All Sites of Interest. (If you can only do 1 or 2, please indicate your limitations in the Comment Section below.) We do our best to place you in your preferred sites, and appreciate your flexibility, as spots are limited.

*If you do not see an option that works for you, please complete this form and we will email you with new volunteer opportunities in the future. If you recently received a recruitment announcement and no sites are listed below, all spots may have been filled.

**If you would like to volunteer for a community not listed, please include your request in the Comment Section below.

***Please note: Not all panels are listed in sequential date order.

****I will send a calendar request to confirm I have you listed for a particular site. This form documents interest and does not confirm you for a site.

All panels cover postsecondary preparation, with Tiers adding additional focal topics. Learn more about Tiers on the Kids2Careers website.

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* 11. Additional Comments (please include any specific requests or limitations here):

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* 12. Please list any communities in Rural Alaska where you have lived, worked, or have family. (This is helpful for our Virtual Panels with Rural Alaska, not required to volunteer.)