In a world full of fast information, sometimes the best way to get informed is to slow down, engage in conversation and listen. The ACLU of Ohio Action Team invites you to join us in this process by taking this survey, which will focus on our core values and some of our key issue areas, and we need YOUR feedback.

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* 1. Are you a resident of Ohio

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* 2. What Zip Code do you primarily reside in?

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* 3. What gender do you identify as?

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* 4. What is your racial or ethnic identity? (Select all that apply.)

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* 5. What is your approximate household income? 

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* 6. What is your age range?

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* 7. On a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree, how well do you agree with each of these prompts?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral  Agree Strongly Agree
I believe that my city is on the right track
I feel good about what I can do to change things
I believe that the Criminal Justice System works for all
People need to be detained before their trial to ensure they appear in court
I believe that formerly incarcerated people have enough resources to be successful
Kids shouldn’t be locked up
My elected officials represent the needs of my community
Voting is fundamental to changing my city and our state
Everyone has equal access to cast their vote
I support the right to protest no matter the cause
Law enforcement often times has no choice but to engage protesters
Civil disobedience moves us forward as a country
The LGBTQ community is protected by Ohio law
There is clear discrimination against members of the LGBTQ community
I believe that race relations are great in Ohio
I believe that race has a lot to do with the general outcomes of one’s life
I want to get more engaged but I don’t know how
I feel that my way of life is valued and protected
I am willing to stand up for what I believe in

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* 8. Is there anything else that you'd like us to know about?

This section will ask a few questions about how involved you are with the ACLU of Ohio:

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* 9. Are you a member of the ACLU of Ohio

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* 10. Are you a member of the ACLU of Ohio Action Team?

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* 11. Do you receive ACLU of Ohio emails?

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* 12. Do you follow the ACLU of Ohio on Social Media? 

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* 13. Have you ever donated to the ACLU of Ohio?