CEC Athletes' Commission Feedback Form

The purpose of the Athletes’ Commission (AC) is to represent and promote the views and interests of the various athletes of Climbing Escalade Canada (CEC) to the CEC’s Board of Directors and management on all issues which directly or indirectly affect athletes. 

The AC collects athlete's feedback on a regular basis through anonymous satisfaction survey. The Leadership Board is also available to receive athlete's feedback.

That being said, the AC recognize that athletes may feel the need to share feedback anonymously outside of the above mentioned channels.

This form has been created with the intend to offer a continuous platform for athletes to express anonymous feedback, at any time throughout the year. Please don't hesitate to fill it out, an email will be automatically generated to the AC to advice them that a new feedback form as been submitted.

For any questions or concerns, please contact the Athletes' Commission President via email at athletesrep@climbingcanada.ca
2.If you would like for the AC to follow up on your feedback, please leave your email here. Leave blank to remain anonymous.