About ACEC/MA Partnering Committees

Partnering with Public Agencies
ACEC/MA partners with public agencies to streamline and improve project delivery and improve communication between the public agencies and the engineering and land surveying business community. Some of these agencies do not currently use Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS), so QBS procurement may be a focus of discussion with those agencies.
First, review the 'Job Descriptions" for these roles on this page: https://www.acecma.org/about/news/partnering-with-public-agencies-sign-up-by-7-12-24-3094
Partnering Chair or Co-Chair
Partnering Committee Member.

Then, if you can meet the requirements for these voluntary positions, sign up below to be considered for Partnering Committee service on one of these public agency committees:
-- DCR: MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
-- DCAMM: MA Division of Capital Asset Maintenance and Management
-- DEP: MA Department of Environmental Protection
-- MassDOT Highway: Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Highway Division
-- MassDOT OTP: Planning
-- MBTA: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
-- Massport: Massachusetts Port Authority
-- MWRA: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
-- RTAC: Regional Transportation Advisory Council of the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (RTAC of MPO) - 1 ACEC/MA seat, 1 alternate. This is not a partnering committee, but an opportunity to represent ACEC/MA.

Important: Only one person per ACEC/MA Member Firm will be appointed to a particular public agency partnering committee. ACEC/MA may call upon other firm leaders for input on particular issues, but please coordinate with your team, so that only 1 person from your firm signs up for a particular public agency partnering committee and does not sign up for another public agency partnering committee.
Example: You can have 1 person sign up for DCR and another person sign up for MBTA, but they have to be different people.

Question Title

* 1. I have reviewed the position descriptions for the:
-- ACEC/MA Partnering Committee Chair/Co-Chair position
-- ACEC/MA Partnering Committee Members position listed below and posted on the ACEC/MA web site and I am committed to fulfilling these responsibilities.

  Yes No
ACEC/MA Partnering Committee Chair/Co-Chair Position Description
ACEC/MA Partnering Committee Members Position Description

Question Title

* 2. I am prepared and committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of the Partnering Position Descriptions.

Question Title

* 3. I am interested in being considered as a Member or Co-chair of this partnering group or public committee, on behalf of ACEC/MA. (Check all that apply; only 1 person per ACEC/MA Member Firm will be appointed to each committee)

  Partnering Committee Co-Chair (2 Co-Chairs) or Chair (1 Chair) Member of Partnering Committee I am employed by a firm that is a consultant/subconsultant for this public agency
DCR: MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
DCAMM: MA Division of Capital Asset Maintenance and Management
DEP: MA Department of Environmental Protection
MassDOT Highway: Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Highway Division
OTP: MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning
MBTA: Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Massport: Massachusetts Port Authority
MWRA: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
RTAC: Regional Transportation Advisory Council of the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization (RTAC of MPO) - 1 ACEC/MA seat, 1 alternate

Question Title

* 4. What issues should ACEC/MA raise with these public agencies? Please list the agency and the key issues you are seeing.

Question Title

* 5. Contact information

Thank you for signing up to volunteer to serve on one of ACEC/MA's Partnering Committees. You will be contacted in August about your appointment. For more information about ACEC/MA Programs, see:
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