The ACCELERATE programme offers a mix of professional coaching and business capability training with the focus on participants setting goals, implementing actions and increasing success through planning for growth.

It is ideal for business owners, entreprenuers of high potential start-ups, social enterprise managers and senior leaders within an organisation.
The programme includes:
  • 10 Mastery Training Sessions on Growth Mindset, Marketing & Brand Strategy, Employment, Online Marketing, Leadership & Culture, Finance, Sales & Pricing, Innovation.
  • 2 Group Circle sessions with facilitated discussion encouraging participants to share their challenges, celebrate their successes, and support each other.
  • 3 Individual Coaching sessions to set goals, actions and plans for business success.
ACCELERATE teaches participants the importance of spending time working on the business and, after six months they will walk away with a growth acceleration plan.

The training is invaluable, but participants get the bonus of developing business networks. The groups support each other, learn from each other and help each other.

ACCELERATE participants typically range in size from $200k - $20m in annual turnover and 5 - 100 employees. This is a guideline only and any business at any stage with exceptional growth potential will be considered.
 We are seeking participants for our next cohorts in Rotorua, Taupo, South Waikato and Tauranga. Start dates of the programmes in each town will vary, dependent on enough suitable participants in each town.
Please complete the form below to express interest in being part of the next ACCELERATE programme. 

Question Title

* 1. Company name

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* 2. Business owner or manager name

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* 3. Contact number

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* 4. Email

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* 5. Company Website

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* 6. Facebook Page and other social media profiles

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* 7. What year was your business established?

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* 8. What is your company’s annual revenue?

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* 9. What industry is your business in?

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* 10. What is your main business activity?

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* 11. How many employees does your business have (full time equivalent)?

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* 12. How did you find out about Firestation business programmes

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* 13. What town are you in?

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* 14. What is your preferred start date?