2019 AASECT Annual Conference Overall Evaluation

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* 1. Overall, how would you rate the 2019 AASECT Annual Conference?

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* 2. Which of the following describes your professional work in the field of sexuality?

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* 3. Was this your first AASECT Annual Conference?

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* 4. How did you hear or learn about this conference?

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* 5. How many years have you worked in the field of sexuality?

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* 6. What is the highest degree (not licensure) you have earned?

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* 7. Are you licensed to practice professionally?

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* 8. What AASECT region do you reside?

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In thinking about the overall objectives of the AASECT Annual Conference, please answer the following questions.
This Conference met the stated objectives of:

  Strongly disagree
Neither agree or disagree
Strongly agree
To identify established ideals and emerging visions of sexuality that weave together traditional and innovative practices
To promote intergenerational discussions on best practices by sharing different methods of teaching, exploring sexuality in therapy and studying collaborations in sexuality research
To tackle tomorrow’s challenges by mentoring emerging leaders and addressing diversity, globalization, advocacy and activism 

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* 10. Which session / presentation did you find the most worthwhile? Please list the title and presenter(s) name, as well as why you feel it was the most worthwhile.

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* 11. Which session / presentation did you find the least worthwhile? Please list the title and presenter(s) name, as well as why you feel it was the least worthwhile.

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* 12. What was the key reason/driver influencing your decision to attend AASECT's 2019 Annual Conference?

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* 13. Please evaluate the following:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor N/A
Pre-conference Workshops
Plenary Sessions
Poster Session
Dialogue Panel Presentations
Research Panel Presentations
Original Research Sessions
Social Events
Networking Opportunities
Annual Conference Mobile App
Meeting Facilities
Special Interest Groups
Regional Meeting
Business Meeting

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* 14. Please rate the overall cost of the conference:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor N/A
Conference registration
Pre-conference workshops
Social events
Miscellaneous (food, transportation, hotel wifi)

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* 15. Please evaluate your experience with the following aspects of the conference:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Fair Poor N/A
Submission of conference proposal to the 2019 conference
Online registration prior to the conference
Onsite registration at time of conference
Correspondence with 2019 Conference Co-chairs
Correspondence with AASECT Staff

Question Title

* 16. Please rate the following aspects of the overall conference program:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
What I learned will be valuable to me in my work.
Most presentations were related to my work.
I would recommend future AASECT programs to my colleagues.

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* 17. How much did you learn as a result of this CE program?

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* 18. How useful was the content of this CE program for your practice or other professional development?

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* 19. What topics would you like to see offered as a pre-conference workshop, as well as be willing to pay to attend, for 2020?

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* 20. Who would you recommend to present a pre-conference workshop at the 2020 conference?

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* 21. Who would you recommend to present a keynote at the 2020 conference?

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* 22. What is your preferred session length at the conference? Please rank from 1 (most preferred) - 5 (least preferred).

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* 23. What other types of program formats would you like to see the Conference Program Planning Committee consider for 2019? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 24. Would you be willing to pay for conference session recordings should AASECT offer an option like this at a future conference?

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* 25. Do you plan to attend the 2020 AASECT Conference in Palm Springs, CA?

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* 26. What could we have done to make this a better conference experience for you?

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* 27. Additional comments or suggestions: