Dear Esteemed Alumni,
Greetings from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria! We kindly request you to carefully and honestly complete the GTS survey questionnaire by selecting the appropriate box (/) that corresponds to your response. Your responses will be utilized for research purposes to evaluate the employability of graduates and ultimately enhance the courses provided by your Alma-mater. Be rest assured that your answers will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.

Question Title

* 1. Biodata

Question Title

* 2. Civil Status

Question Title

* 3. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 4. Date of Birth


Question Title

* 9. Location of Residence


Question Title

* 10. Educational Attainment

Question Title

* 11. Select from the options below, your reasons for choosing the course you studied in the university. You may select more than one.

  Undergraduate/BSc./B.Eng. Graduate/Master/MSc. /MA/Ph.D.
Popularity of the programme
Good grades in O' Levels
Influence of parents or relatives
Peer Influence            
Inspired by a role model
Strong passion for the profession      
Prospect for immediate employment
Status or prestige of the profession
Availability of course offering in chosen institution
Prospect of career advancement
Affordable for the family
Availability of financial support (Scholarship)

Question Title

* 12. Please list down all professional or work-related training program (s) including advance studies you have attended after graduation.

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* 13. What made you pursue advance studies?

Please note: Employment here means any type of work performed or services rendered in exchanged for compensation under a contract or hire which create the employer and employee relations.

Question Title

* 14. Are you currently employed?  If NO or NEVER BEEN EMPLOYED, proceed to Questions 14. If YES, proceed to Questions 17 to 21.

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* 15. Please state reason (s) why you are not yet employed. You may check more than one answer.

Question Title

* 16. Current Employment Status

Question Title

* 17. Current occupation

Question Title

* 18. Name of Company or Organization including address

Question Title

* 19. Is this your first job after graduation?  If NO, proceed to Questions 26 and 27.

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* 20. What are the reason (s) for staying on the job? You may check (/) more than one answer.

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* 21. Is your first job related to the course you took up in university?  If NO, proceed to Question 26.

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* 22. What were your reasons for accepting the job? You may check (/) more than one answer.

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* 23. What were your reason (s) for changing job? You may check more than one answer.

Question Title

* 24. How long did you stay in your first job?

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* 25. How did you find your first job?

Question Title

* 26. How long did it take you to secure your first job?

Question Title

* 27. Job Position

  First Job Current or Present Job
Managerial or Executive
Technical or Supervisory

Question Title

* 28. What is your initial gross monthly earning from your first job after graduation?

Question Title

* 29. Was the curriculum you had in university relevant to your first job?

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* 30. If YES, what competencies learned in university did you find very useful in your first job? You may check more than one answer.

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* 31. List down suggestions to further improve your course curriculum

Thank you for taking time out to fill this questionnaire.