Headway On a good day... 2025 Action for Brain Injury Week survey - for brain injury survivors |
Introduction: On a good day...
Thank you for your interest in our ABI Week 2025 survey On a good day...
This survey has been designed to be completed by brain injury survivors. A separate survey for completion by carers is available at the following link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/ABIWeek2025carers
This survey aims to find out about your experience of the fluctuating effects of brain injury. By fluctuate, we mean that your symptoms are not the same every day. They may be ‘better’ on some days and ‘worse’ on others.
If at any point you need emotional support while completing this survey, please consider contacting our Headway helpline or online communities. You can exit this survey at any time.
All responses will remain confidential.
This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions regarding completion of this survey, or you wish to withdraw your submission, please contact our Publications and Research Manager at tamsin.keyes@headway.org.uk.