Exit this survey ABG Student Monthly Evaluation Question Title * 1. Please type your full name Question Title * 2. Please choose the site in which you are a student: CASA Choice Summit Chula Vista Lindsay Community Day Monarch NCTSA Question Title * 3. Please type the book title Question Title * 4. Did the book help you strengthen your reading skills? Yes No Why or Why Not? Question Title * 5. Please choose the statement that best describes you: I read the entire book and participated in the discussion. I did not finish the book and participated in the discussion. I did not read the book but I participated in the discussion. If you did not finsh or read the book please explain why: Question Title * 6. Please rate the following with 1 being the worst and 5 best the best. 1 2 3 4 5 Book Book 1 Book 2 Book 3 Book 4 Book 5 Discussion Discussion 1 Discussion 2 Discussion 3 Discussion 4 Discussion 5 Volunteer Participation Volunteer Participation 1 Volunteer Participation 2 Volunteer Participation 3 Volunteer Participation 4 Volunteer Participation 5 Question Title * 7. Did you like the book? Yes No Why or Why not? Question Title * 8. Did you feel as though the book was age appropriate? Yes No Why or Why not? Question Title * 9. Did the book improve your vocabulary? Yes No Why or Why Not? Question Title * 10. Did you participate in the book discussion? Yes No Why or Why Not? Question Title * 11. Are you comfortable sharing your opinion during book discussion? Yes No Why or Why not? Question Title * 12. Did you learn anything new as a result of reading this book and discussing it? Yes No Why or Why Not? Question Title * 13. Do you want to keep your book? Yes No Question Title * 14. What books would you recommend for our ABG program? Do you have any additional comments about the session? Question Title * 15. Do you have any additional comments about the session? Done