AASW SA are seeking your input to assist in developing our future program of activities to ensure we continue to meet your needs.

This survey aims to explore what services are provided by South Australian Social Workers, Social Workers’ current views of the profession, and Members’ expectations of the SA Branch.  

This information will be used to inform the AASW of where your current needs and gaps are in the Continuing Professional Development Program offered, in further developing our advocacy program and learning how we can best support Social Workers in South Australia.

Thank you for your time and participation. Should you get called away in the middle of the survey click submit and you will be able to edit your responses later from the same device. 

Participant’s confidentiality will be guaranteed under the legal and ethical obligations of both the Privacy Act 1988 and the AASW’s Code of Ethics. 

Thank you for your contribution. For any further questions please feel free to contact the SA Office on aaswsa@aasw.asn.au

Question Title

* 1. Please begin by telling us your age

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* 2. Please indicate your gender

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* 3. Are you an AASW member

Question Title

* 4. What is your highest formal Social Work Qualification?

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* 5. How long have you been a qualified social worker?

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* 6. In which of the following geographic areas do you work?

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* 7. What are your areas of interest across these sectors / fields of practice?

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* 8. If you are an AASW member, can you please indicate your key motivators?  Please rank the following options

Question Title

* 9. What do you think the primary function of the AASW SA Office is?

Question Title

* 10. How often do you read AASW communications?

  Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Quarterly Less
Web page updates
National bulletin
Facebook posts
LinkedIn page
Text  messages
Event Flyers
Focus Magazine

Question Title

* 11. Please rank which areas you would most like to get information from AASW SA

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* 12. Please choose your top (up to) three priority areas for our State advocacy work

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* 13. Please rank your support for these advocacy pathways for AASW SA in the coming year

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* 14. The AASW SA Branch is committed to reconciliation processes with Australia's First Nations Peoples. In what ways do you think we can further support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples?

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* 15. Please tell us the top three challenges you are currently facing in your role as a social worker?

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* 16. What CPD would you like provided? Please comment with as many details as you can - including preferred topic, location, time and speaker.

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* 17. In the next 12 months, what days and times would suit you best to attend CPD events?

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Full day

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* 18. What style of delivery of CPD events would you prefer?

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* 19. Are you able to offer to run a CPD event for the AASW SA? Please state the details (e.g. topic, location, time etc.) and your contact information (name, email address and phone number).

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* 20. We are looking to increase our presence in number of social work related activities across the State. Members provide us with support to reach into areas of social policy, advocacy, projects (such as the state awards), representation on industry committees, coordinating our CPD activities etc.
What could we do to encourage you to share your time to volunteer with AASW to help maintain our record of successes?

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* 21. If you would like to help with activities within the AASW strategic plan such as mentoring, please leave your details including your name, email address, contact phone number and what area of activities/knowledge you would be able to help with.

Thank you for participating!

As an Association we value your contribution. We are committed to work towards promoting what do Social Workers do that differentiates us from other professions, and to assist in effectively targeting AASW services to support Members’ interests.

Watch out for our e-News emails for the results of  this survey.