Federated access to library resources for everyone

Do you grant access to your library’s resources based on IP-addresses? Do you need to maintain the correct IP-address ranges yourself — a labour-intensive and inaccurate process? Are your users confronted with different, and confusing, interfaces? Can walk-in guest users access e-resources easily?
The Authentication and Authorisation for Research Collaborations (AARC) project has been working on solutions for federated access to library resources for everyone.

In many libraries, access control is still managed by means of IP-address-based authorisation due to the lack of solutions to:
      1.     facilitate a transition phase from IP-based access to SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) based access
              where both methods can be supported side by side;
      2.     manage the connection between identity providers and service providers in a scalable way;
      3.     preserve access to library sources for users without an institutional account (e.g. citizen scientist).

You have learned about three AARC pilots to solve these issues.

To better understand the issues you face regarding access management, and to further improve the tested AAI (authentication and authorisation infrastructure) components, the AARC pilots team would appreciate your opinion and feedback on these pilots. 

Please answer the following questions, which will take approximately 5 minutes.

Thank you.