Please review this document carefully before agreeing to participate in this research.
1. Study Name & Purpose:

This study’s title is Validation of the African American Historical Trauma Questionnaire. The purpose of the study is to provide further validation and reliability of the African American Historical Trauma scale, which was initially developed in 2018, and assesses the connections between African American discrimination, memories of the traumatic events experienced by past generations, and the present historical trauma level the individual is experiencing. Along with validation, this study will provide information regarding if resilience is a moderator of the relationship between African American historical trauma and effective coping.

This study has been approved by the Michigan School of Psychology Institutional Review Board (IRB # 240203).

2. Who Can Participate:

To participate in this study, you must:
  • Identify as an African American or Black American descendant of slavery (last three generations of ancestors must have lived in the USA),
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Identify as having had direct and /or indirect experiences of racial discrimination and prejudice.
  • Reside in any region of the USA
  • Indicate being raised in the USA from about 6 to 16 years of age, if you were born outside of the country.
You will be excluded if you do not meet these criteria.

3. Nature of Participation:

If you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete questionnaires regarding demographic information and items regarding African American historical trauma, racial trauma, social desirability, resilience, and coping. It is estimated that it will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete this study. Some trauma items will address your racial experiences of discrimination or prejudice, such as, “How often you feel your heart race when injustice occurs towards African Americans,” “How often you think about African Americans being stopped, suspected, arrested, or blamed for something they did not do,” and “How often you believe racism still exists today”. One survey will have you describe in your own words three of the most memorable events of racism you have experienced in your life. Additionally, your anonymous, de-identified responses will be shared with the original developers of the surveys. They will not be able to identify you by your responses.

4. Voluntary Participation:

Participation in this research is completely voluntary. You are free to not answer any questions, or you may stop participation at any point without giving any explanation. There is no penalty for withdrawing from this study. Your decision to participate or withdraw from the research will not affect any present or future relationship with the Michigan School of Psychology.

5. Risks:

It is possible that you may experience discomfort in answering some of the researcher’s questions. In this situation, we encourage you to put a priority on your own well-being rather than completing the research. You may decide to skip the question, withdraw from the research or discuss your concerns with the researcher.

If you decide you might want counseling, the researcher will not be available for counseling services, but can provide information about counseling resources that you may choose to pursue at your own expense.

Mental Health Resources:
  • Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Call or text 9-8-8, or chat at
  • Crisis Text Line - Text HOME to 741741
  • Black Mental Health Alliance - (410) 338-2642 or
  • Find a therapist -
There are minimal risks with answering the research questions, less than you would encounter if answering these questions in a face-to-face interview.
6. Benefits:

Your participation will help psychologists and others better understand how African American historical trauma impacts individuals to better help individuals seeking support due to their experiences. Additionally, participation in this research may help you gain an understanding about your own trauma, resilience, and coping, and may satisfy an altruistic wish to help others.

7. Compensation:

Compensation will not be provided for participation in this research.

8. Confidentiality:

All of your responses are completely anonymous. You will not be asked for your name, email address or other identifying information. Please do NOT include any such identifying information anywhere on the survey. This research does not track IP addresses of site visitors. Your anonymous, de-identified responses will be shared with the original developers of the surveys. They will not be able to identify you by your responses.

9. Additional Questions

If you have any questions related to your participation in this study, you may contact Tara Pope at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Institutional Review Board at the Michigan School of Psychology, 248-476-1122, or

Question Title

* 1. Indication of informed consent

My consent indicates that I am 18 years old or over and voluntarily agree with each of the following statements:
  • I have read the above information provided in this informed consent document.
  • I have had the opportunity to have any questions answered by the researcher.
  • I have the information I need to make an informed decision about participating in this research.
  • I meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria outlined in section 2 above.
  • I consent to participate in this study.
I appreciate your consideration for participation in this study. Those who volunteer to participate in studies like these do a public service in contributing to the advancement of knowledge.

Thank you,

Tara M. Pope, MA, TLLP