6. Benefits:
Your participation will help psychologists and others better understand how African American historical trauma impacts individuals to better help individuals seeking support due to their experiences. Additionally, participation in this research may help you gain an understanding about your own trauma, resilience, and coping, and may satisfy an altruistic wish to help others.
7. Compensation:
Compensation will not be provided for participation in this research.
8. Confidentiality:
All of your responses are completely anonymous. You will not be asked for your name, email address or other identifying information. Please do NOT include any such identifying information anywhere on the survey. This research does not track IP addresses of site visitors. Your anonymous, de-identified responses will be shared with the original developers of the surveys. They will not be able to identify you by your responses.
9. Additional Questions
If you have any questions related to your participation in this study, you may contact Tara Pope at tpope@msp.edu. If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Institutional Review Board at the Michigan School of Psychology, 248-476-1122, or irb@msp.edu