Thank you for your interest in becoming a panelist!

About the process
The Artists to Work Program supports the creation and presentation of original, new or in-process artistic work by practicing Phoenix artists. To distribute this funding in a fair and equitable manner, the city relies on panels of artists and creatives to review applications, provide feedback, and recommend decisions.

Why apply?
Reviewing grants is a great way to gain valuable professional experience while connecting with other artists and giving back to the community. Reviewing applications also provides the panelist an inside-look at the application and review process and helps prepare them to submit their own applications.

Who can be a panelist?
For the Artists to Work program, we are specifically wanting to identify experienced and practicing artists and creatives, as well as other individuals who can bring a wealth of arts knowledge to the review experience. You do not need to live or reside in the city of Phoenix to participate, though we first consider Arizona time when scheduling panels.

Commitments and compensation
A panelist spends between 12 to 16 hours reviewing grants, taking notes, and attending a virtual orientation and a virtual panel meeting over a six to eight week period in any given grant cycle season. All of the committed hours are virtual or remote, and the majority of work is completed individually. Each panelist receives a modest honorarium of $300-$350, depending on the number of applications reviewed. More information about reviewing grants will be provided at the appropriate time.

Task Date Approximate Hours
Step 1 Panelist Orientation Friday, 9/3 | 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. 1 hour
Step 1 Individual Review and Scoring 9/3 - 9/11 3-4 hours
Step 2 Panelist Training 10/1 1 hour
Step 2 Individual Review and Pre-Scoring 10/1 - 10/13 4-6 hours
Panel Meeting 10/15 - 10/18 3-4 hours (one meeting)

*Time commitment varies on review speed, prior panelist experience, etc.

Submitting your application
To apply to become a panelist, all you need to do is complete the following form, which should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. Besides your basic contact information, the only materials you'll need are a brief biography and an optional resume/CV.

What's next?
Once you complete the form, you'll receive an automated message in your web browser confirming your submission. Then, we'll follow up with applicants on an individual basis as we begin putting panels together prior to a grants cycle.