A2A Planning Workshop Registration
September 3-4, 2025

REGISTRATION DUE on or before Friday, August 1, 2025.

The workshop is open to teams representing municipalities, counties, regions, and industries. Registration will close at 5PM on August 1, 2025 or when the workshop fills (maximum of 6 teams). The next workshop will be offered in 2026.
Your team is required to attend a 60-minute introductory meeting prior to the February Session to be scheduled after you submit your registration.

Question Title

* 1. Submit only one (1) registration per team. Designate a Primary Contact Person.

Team Contact Person (Required)

Question Title

* 2. Your Organization

Question Title

* 3. Your Community or Region (Required)

Question Title

* 5. Contact Phone Number

Country Code

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* 6. Who is the person or entity that gives authority, permission, or approval for any decision and subsequent action that comes from the A2A process?

Your team may or may not have an authorizer. You have an authorizer if you have to ask permission to implement any solutions and/or use resources that you may identify necessary as part of the 10-week A2A process. Note: this is not the same as the team lead or team contact.

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* 7. Would you like help recruiting your team? We are happy to provide strategies and tools to help.

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* 8. Where did you hear about the Assessment to Action (A2A) session?