Smarter Balanced survey Question Title * 1. Are you a: Parent Student Teacher School Staff Administrator School Board Member Other Local Elected Official State Legislator Community Member Question Title * 2. Which grade level and subject matter did you choose? English Language Arts (ELA) Math 3rd Grade 3rd Grade English Language Arts (ELA) 3rd Grade Math 5th Grade 5th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) 5th Grade Math 6th Grade 6th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) 6th Grade Math 7th Grade 7th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) 7th Grade Math 8th Grade 8th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) 8th Grade Math 11th Grade 11th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) 11th Grade Math Question Title * 3. Approximately how long did it take you to complete your selected portion of the assessment? 1 - 2 hours 2 - 3 hours 3 - 4 hours 4 - 5 hours 5 - 6 hours 6 + hours Question Title * 4. In your opinion, did you find the test to be age and grade level appropriate? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Did you experience any technological issues while taking the test? Yes No If Yes, please explain Question Title * 6. Given what you know about the CCSS, in your opinion, do you believe the test is a valid and reliable measure of the Standards? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 7. Given what you know about the CCSS, in your opinion, do you believe the test is a valid and reliable measure of the Standards? Yes No Unsure Question Title * 8. How has your opinion changed after previewing the Smarter Balanced Assessment? More positive Somewhat more positive Stayed the same Somewhat more negative More negative Question Title * 9. OEA and educators from across the state have called for a moratorium on the implementation of the Smarter Balanced Assessment. They believe any assessment tool of Common Core State Standards must be properly piloted, we must ensure the assessment accurately measures student learning of the standards, and that any modifications deemed necessary must be made prior to full implementation. With all you know about the assessment please share what you believe is best for our students. Fully implement Smarter Balanced Assessment in 2014-15 as currently planned. Pilot the Smarter Balanced Assessment in 2014-15 Utilize the SAT as the standardized test for 2014-15 Creating a new system of assessments to better measure student progress and outcomes Done