Sustainability Subcommittee of the City Council

Two designated representatives from the Culver City City Council participate as members of the Sustainability Subcommittee. The subcommittee meets on a quarterly basis and discusses items related to the improvement in the quality of life for Culver City residents through environmental opportunities, awareness and community collaboration. In an effort to maintain community engagement, the Sustainability Subcommittee members would like to gather your feedback in developing items for discussion in upcoming meetings.

2016 Subcommittee Meeting Dates* (Open to the Public)
-Wednesday, April 6th
-Wednesday, July 20th
-Wednesday, October 20th

*Dates are subject to change

Question Title

* 1. Do you...?

Please indicate the level of importance to you regarding the following topics:

Question Title

* 2. City's Carbon Footprint

  Not Important Somewhat Important Neutral  Important Very Important
City's Carbon Footprint

Question Title

* 3. Water Conservation

  Not Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
Water Conservation

Question Title

* 4. Recycling / Composting

  Not Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
Recycling Composting

Question Title

* 5. Energy Conservation / Solar Power

  Not Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
Energy Conservations / Solar Power

Question Title

* 6. Trees and Parkways*

  Not Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
Trees and Parkways*
*Note: The parkway is located in front of businesses and residences in the public right-of-way. Parkways can be the home to various forms of public infrastructure (trees, parking meters, bus stops, street lights and underground utilities). Residential parkways are an extension of individual’s properties and vary in landscape, design and detail. The parkway is maintained by the owners/occupants of adjacent properties. 

Question Title

* 7. Urban Runoff (Stormwater Management)

  Not Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
Urban Runoff

Question Title

* 8. Active Transportation (Bike, Walk, Transit)

  Not Important Somewhat Important Neutral Important Very Important
Active Transportation

Question Title

* 9. Other (not listed). Please keep responses brief with simply the title and and name of the topic. Additional information, background and other comments can be included in the following section.

Question Title

* 10. The subcommittee members are interested in other ideas or topics for consideration and discussion at future meetings. Please add your comments below:

Question Title

* 11. Respondents who complete this survey by March 28,2016 will be entered into a raffle for a FREE Rain Barrel. Winner will be contacted through information provided below.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION.  You can sign up for the City's Environmental E-mail List to received updates, information and reminders. Visit and click "e-notifications" at the bottom of the homepage. Enter your e-mail address and select "Sustainability Subcommittee of the City Council" to be added to the list.