Division Profile

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* 1. To what extent do you consider the MH Division to be your primary division/interest group?

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* 2. Please comment on your answer to the previous question, if desired.

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* 3. Please indicate why you belong to the MH Division. Rate the importance of each of the following reasons on a 1-5 scale, with 1 indicating “this is not important to me” and 5 indicating “this is highly important to me.”

  1 (“this is not important to me”) 2 3 4 5 (“this is highly important to me”)
Gain and share information relevant to research
Gain and share information relevant to teaching
Gain and share information relevant to training and management practice
To learn more about a domain that is new to me
Develop and maintain social connections

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* 4. Approximately how many years have you been a member of the MH Division?