Thank you for participating in this survey. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Background and Objectives
Access to clean drinking water and sanitation has been identified as a basic human right. The 2015 UN Goals for Sustainable Development include providing access to safe and affordable drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene for all by 2030.  In the Arctic region, inadequate water and sanitation services are associated with poorer health status, and this burden mostly affects rural and indigenous populations. For Arctic nations, providing and maintaining water and sanitation services presents unique challenges including emerging threats related to climate change.   As an endorsed project of the Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Work Group (SDWG), we seek to describe the current state of water and sanitation services, which water-related diseases are monitored, and the environmental changes affecting water and sanitation in northern circumpolar populations. More background information on this issue is available in our recent publication in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health: .

Who should take this survey?
  • People who live in Arctic or sub-Arctic communities
  • People who work as professionals in health, water, or sanitation services
  • People in government responsible for health, environment, or water sanitation services
You may not have all the information that the survey asks about.  If you come to a question that you don't know the answer to, simply leave the answer blank or select the "I don't know" option.

Intended Use of Survey Results

These surveys are being conducted through the Arctic Human Health Experts Group (AHHEG), a multinational advisory body to the SDWG.   The intent is to describe the current status of this important health determinant to assess progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals and report this information to the Arctic Council.   Survey results may permit comparisons of water and sanitation services, health indicators and approaches to climate-related threats, and best practices and opportunities for collaboration.  Survey results will be collated and be made available on the Sustainable Development Website (  A written report will be prepared for the Arctic Council SDWG by April 2017.
For further information regarding this survey, please contact:
Thomas Hennessy
Co-Chair and US representative
Arctic Human Health Experts Group
Sustainable Development Working Group, Arctic Council
Phone: 907 729 3427