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The City of Santa Barbara receives approximately $850,000 annually in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and approximately $500,000 annually in HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Santa Barbara’s City Council also allocates approximately $726,000 annually in additional funding to supplement the amount provided to the community for human services.

The funds are intended to primarily benefit the lower-income residents in the community. CDBG funding can be used for supportive human services, housing, certain economic development activities, community facilities, and infrastructure. HOME funding can be used for the development and rehabilitation of affordable rental and ownership housing, and to provide Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) for lower-income households.

As you complete the survey, please specifically consider the needs of the lower-income residents of the community. Keep in mind that only limited funding is available, so prioritizing the level of need is important.

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* 1. Please select the City of Santa Barbara neighborhood where you live.

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* 2. How many persons live in your household, including yourself and children?

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* 3. Do you or a family member have a disability or an access or functional need?

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* 4. Please select three of the following you consider to be the highest needs related to Affordable Housing.

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* 5. Please select three of the following you consider to be the highest needs for Public Services.

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* 6. Please select three of the following you consider to be the highest needs for Public Facilities and Infrastructure.

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* 7. Have you experienced any barriers that prevent you from accessing the internet/broadband services.

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* 8. If you answered Yes to question 7, what barriers have you experienced?

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* 9. Please write in any needs not listed above and/or any additional information you would like to share.

100% of survey complete.