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All HCAOA members are asked to complete this survey. While this survey is to assist HCAOA in writing comments on the proposed Medicaid rule that would require 80% of the reimbursement to go directly to care worker wages, we also recognize that this proposal could impact other agencies doing family funded or private pay care.
Your responses will be anonymous and aggregated to reflect the general sense of the home care industry. This survey should take about 5 minutes or less to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation!

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* 1. In what state(s) do you provide personal care services? Select all that apply. 

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* 2. What is your total estimated annual revenue (please include all payer sources)

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* 3. What population(s) do you serve with personal care services? Select all that apply. 

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* 4. How many Medicaid consumers are you providing home care for?

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* 5. CMS is proposing that states require providers to attribute at least 80% of Medicaid reimbursements for HCBS services, including  personal care, homemaker and Home Health Aide to wages, overtime, payroll taxes, and certain benefits (health and dental benefits, sick leave, and tuition reimbursement). The other 20% of the payment would pay for everything else.

If CMS finalizes this regulation, which of the following would be true?

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* 6. Would this 80%/20% proposal, if enacted, require capping other expenses in order to improve quality?

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* 7. In order to maintain the proposed 80%/20% balance, what would be the most likely cuts needed to ensure your business remains solvent? Please rank the following cuts with 1 being your most likely cut.

Please use the arrows to move a response up or down in your rankings.

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* 8. Would this 80%/20% proposal, if enacted, reduce your ability to provide services for rural populations?

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* 9. Would this 80%/20% proposal, if enacted, reduce your ability to provide services for underserved or primarily minority populations?

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* 10. As a provider, please rank from 1-10 the following non-wage related costs within your agency, with 1 representing the highest cost.

Please use the arrows to move a response up or down in your rankings.

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* 11. Aside from the currently low Medicaid reimbursement rates, what do you think is the next biggest barrier to improving access to HCBS personal care services? Please rank from 1-5, with 1 being the biggest barrier (after reimbursement) to improving access to personal care services:

0 of 11 answered