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* 1. Judging from the citations for the two books listed below, which one appears to be a scholarly source?

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* 2. What clues did you use to decide which book was more likely to be a scholarly source of information?

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* 3. Describe how the headline and the photograph for this news story work together to create meaning. Imagine you are the editor of this newspaper. Why did you choose this photograph and this particular wording for the headline?

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The next two questions are based on the book you see below, The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia.

The next two questions are based on the book you see below, The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia.

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* 4. Based solely on the title of the book, for which assignment(s) would you be more likely to use this source of information?

Rank in order of most likely (1) to be relevant to the assignment to least likely to be relevant (3).

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* 5. What kind of information do you expect to find from this book?

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* 6. What is the major flaw in this graph demonstrating an increase in house prices?

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* 7. Choose the best strategy for providing an accurate description of the history of sugar in a 10-12 page paper for my Introduction to Global History course.