Survey of Washtenaw County Nonprofit Funding Sources for FY 2016
Please complete the short survey below to help us better understand how the 2018 proposed budget cuts may impact the individuals and families you serve in the county. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete.
Please note: this survey asks specific questions about your organization's 2016 funding sources, therefore you will want to consult the individual at your organization who has the best understanding of this.
Thank you for your time!
Questions/comments? Contact Amanda Carlisle, WHA Executive Director, at

Question Title

* 1. What agency/organization do you represent?

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* 2. What is your email address?

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* 3. What is your organization's PRIMARY focus? (1 response only)

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* 4. Who is your organization's PRIMARY target population? (3 responses max please)

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* 5. In FY 2016, how many people TOTAL did your organization serve?

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* 6. Did your organization experience an INCREASE IN DEMAND for services between 2015 and 2016?

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* 7. If yes, were you able to meet this demand?

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* 8. Does your organization receive funds through federal government grants or contracts?

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* 9. If yes: In Fiscal Year 2016, how much federal funding did your organization receive from any of the following federal agencies to support programs and services for populations in Washtenaw County who are vulnerable?

Please enter dollar amount. If no funding was received from a particular department, please enter "0" or simply skip to question 11.

Note: Please do NOT include pass-through funds that were distributed to a third-party.

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* 10. If you indicated in the previous question that you receive federal funding from "other" sources, please enter the sources of those funds (and corresponding amounts) here.

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* 11. If you did receive federal funding in FY 2016, how many employees total were employed at your organization using dollars from federal funding source(s)?

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* 12. In FY 2016, did your agency/organization receive local government dollars?

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* 13. If yes, in FY 2016:

Question Title

* 14. Given what has been shared by independent research and policy institutions about the 2018 Trump budget cuts, please briefly describe the potential impact of the cuts on your organization 

[Examples of potential impact may include but are not limited to: the # of people you serve; the # people you employ; the programs/services you provide; etc.] 

Please be as specific as possible. If you are unsure, please provide your best estimate of the impact.

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* 15. Are you interested in getting more involved with our advocacy efforts?

Thank you for your time!
Contact Amanda Carlisle, WHA Executive Director, at
100% of survey complete.