Yeager Road Community Resource Center
Community Needs Assessment
What is your household's greatest need?
Affordable housing
Job training opportunities
Educational needs
Child Care Services
Financial Services
Elderly living assistance (62+)
Health Care Assistance
Seeking employment with a criminal record
Substance abuse services
Inability to pay utilities and rent
Substandard housing
Low wages
Other (please specify)
What are the things that make it difficult for you and your household to find and/or keep work?
Need Affordable Childcare
Caring for a sick/disabled family member
Do not speak English well
Need transportation
Need job experience/training
No job opportunities
Do not have a high school diploma/GED
Do no have a college degree
Criminal record
Not a issue
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Do you or any others in your household have interest in the following?
GED/Adult Education Classes
Vocational Training
Stop Smoking Classes
Increasing Income
Getting a better job
Saving money/Investing
Eliminating Debt
Professional Classes - Communication, leadership, conflict resolution
Cooking Classes
Bible Study and spiritual counseling
Grief counseling
Other (please specify)
Do you or another person in your household have difficulty with any of the following?
Speaking English
Reading/Writing English
School work
Basic Skills
Using a computer
Other (please specify)
Why don't people attend Church on a regular basis?
They no longer have the same belief system
They were hurt by church members
They don't trust church leadership
They are looking for the right church
They watch on-line church
They are took busy to attend
Their spiritual needs are not being met
Other (please specify)
Current Progress,
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