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* 1. Tell us your Impact100 SA Membership status

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* 2. How long have you been a member of Impact100 SA?

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* 3. Please share your demographic information

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* 4. What were your primary reasons for joining Impact100 SA?

  Not at all Somewhat Definitely yes
To get involved in the community
Invited by a friend or colleague
To learn about not for profits / charities
Liked the collective giving model

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* 5. Please rank your overall satisfaction (or experience) with Impact100 SA?

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* 6. Did you attend any events in 2019?

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* 7. How satisfied are / were you with your Impact100 SA experiences?

  Weak As expected Good Outstanding I don't know (or not applicable)
Theme announcement evening @ The Jam Factory
Member & friends event - Grant award event @ Arkaba Hotel
Members event - semi-finalist voting? @ Thomson Geer
Members event - visiting post finalists / winners?
Membership communication
Membership application process
Membership website
Serving on committees (if applicable)

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* 8. Events - we have 3 main events (1) theme launch (2) semi-finalist voting (3) grant award night - in your opinion are there ...

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* 9. Event timing - most events commence around 530pm to accommodate those coming straight from work - in your opinion are the events ....

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* 10. Event - Grant Announcement - we have had the same stand-up cocktail style event at the Arkaba for a while now - in your opinion are you ...

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* 11. Event - Grant Award Night Entertainment - some Impact100 organisations around Australia do not have entertainment on the night because the cost needs to be covered - in your opinion ....

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* 12. Events - Other Event Options - some Impact100 organisations around Australia organise for their members to visit the final 4 before the Grant Award Event to learn more and ask questions - in your opinion would it help you? would you go along and should we attempt to organise?

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* 13. Communications - Which communication methods do you use and would you like to see any more and if yes what ...

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* 14. Membership - please let us know if you are interested in any or all of the following ...

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* 15. Annual Giving Theme - this year in lieu of themes we had members nominate charities to apply. Does this appeal to you or would you rather be able to have a theme?

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* 16. A range of opportunities exists for our Impact 100 SA members to assist at our various events or on our committees.  These include the Management Committee, the Grants Assessment Committee, the Membership Committee, the Events Committee, and the PR and Communications committee. Would you like to be contacted to discuss volunteering on one of these committees?  If yes please leave your name and contact details or email separately.

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* 17. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback.

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