Annual Partner Survey |
Dear First 1000 Days Partner,
The purpose of this survey is to get your feedback on the First 1000 Days Sarasota initiative, prioritize barriers in the community, and identify current referral processes.
Please complete each question to the best of your ability. IF THE QUESTION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO YOU OR YOUR ROLE, PLEASE SKIP IT. We welcome additional comments and suggestions you have for improving the First 1000 Days Sarasota. This survey is anonymous; however, if you would like, please put your name so that we can elicit further feedback if needed.
We will share aggregate data with you and the First 1000 Days initiative once we analyze the results.
Thanks in advance for your valuable advice and feedback.
Best regards,
Chelsea Arnold
Program Coordinator
The purpose of this survey is to get your feedback on the First 1000 Days Sarasota initiative, prioritize barriers in the community, and identify current referral processes.
Please complete each question to the best of your ability. IF THE QUESTION DOES NOT PERTAIN TO YOU OR YOUR ROLE, PLEASE SKIP IT. We welcome additional comments and suggestions you have for improving the First 1000 Days Sarasota. This survey is anonymous; however, if you would like, please put your name so that we can elicit further feedback if needed.
We will share aggregate data with you and the First 1000 Days initiative once we analyze the results.
Thanks in advance for your valuable advice and feedback.
Best regards,
Chelsea Arnold
Program Coordinator