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Question Title

* 1. Have you completed the COVID-19 vaccination schedule?

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* 2. What vaccine have you been given?

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* 3. You were diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection after completion of the vaccination schedule?

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* 4. Was this diagnosis confirmed by nasal- or oropharyngeal swab?

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* 5. What is your gender?

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* 6. How old are you?

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* 7. During the COVID-19

  No problem Mild problem Moderate problem Severe problem Very severe problem
I had fever (> 38°C)
I was tired
I had cough
I had chest pain
I had low/no appetite
I had joint pain
I had muscle pain
I had headache
I had diarrhea
I had abdominal pain
I had nausea with/without vomiting
I had conjunctivitis
I had urticarias
I had breathing difficulties
I had sticky throat mucus
I had nasal obstruction
I had runny nose
I had nasal burning
I had throat pain
I had ear pain/pressure
I had face pain/pressure
I had difficulties to swallow
I had hoarseness/voice difficulties
I had tongue burning

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* 8. During the COVID-19 infection my smell was:

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* 9. During the COVID-19 infection my taste was:

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