
This Digital Maturity Assessment1 (DMA) is a tool to support enhancing Indigenous Data Sovereignty – or the assertion of rights and interests in relation to data about the Nation / organization, its territory, and ways of life.
This tool is applicable for Lands and Resources related departments within Indigenous Nations, as well as Tribal Councils or other similar Indigenous organizations.
Who should do this survey? Ideally someone who knows the Nation and its data well. This may be a Lands & Resources Manager, an Economic Development Officer, an Administration or Operations Manager or anyone else who has strong knowledge of the organization’s readiness and capacity to leverage digital technologies (e.g. software, databases, websites, backup/storage, etc).

The primary goals of the DMA are the following:

1. Understand the Baseline: Establish a baseline of your current digital capacities. The DMA assesses processes and procedures and culture across several areas to determine the efficacy and effectiveness of your digital capabilities.

2. Identifying Strengths and Opportunities: By identifying strengths and gaps in capacity, an organization can build upon and prioritize digital initiatives and investments that will have the greatest impact across the organization.

3. Inform Decision-Making: Good governance requires good data governance. The DMA ultimately aims to provide a foundation for data-informed decision-making.

This DMA survey will ask you how much you agree with a variety of relevant statements using a 1-5 rating scale. The Assessment takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Please read the questions and descriptions carefully and select the answers that mostly closely correspond with your Nation / organization’s current state in its digital journey. Please do your best to select the most accurate 1-5 rating, as these numbers will be used to prepare your digital maturity score at the end. A non-response will be counted as a rating of 1 in the scoring.

1This survey has been adapted from Shared Value Solutions Ltd. (SVS) Indigenous Digital Maturity Assessment for the BC Lands Manager context.
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17% of survey complete.