Question Title

* 1. How long have you lived in Smithfield?

Question Title

* 2. What is your age?

Question Title

* 3. How many children, by age, currently live in your household?

Question Title

* 4. Which of the following programs and services are the most important to you and your family? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 5. Have your or any members of your household participated in any of the Town of Smithfield Parks and Recreations activities or programs?

Question Title

* 6. If yes, please state which activities or programs you attended.

Question Title

* 7. What prevents you or others in your household from using Town of Smithfield recreation facilities, programs, parks, or walking trails more often? (Select the top 3)

Question Title

* 8. How many times during the summer did members of your household visit the following parks and recreation facilities? (Please check a box for each line.)

  None 1 - 5 times 6 - 10 times 11 - 20 times 21+ times
Deerfield Park
Bruce Ewart Trails
Whipple Field
Georgiaville Beach
Greenlake Beach (Slack's Pond)
Smithfield Dog Park
Ralph Catuogno Basketball Courts (Located at Pleasant View Elementary School)
Walking/Scenic Trails
Burgess Field
Willow Field
Mendes Field
Smithfield Municipal Ice Rink
Esmond Park
Wolf Hill Forest Preserve

Question Title

* 9. What would you like to do in Town of Smithfield's parks and/or natural areas? (Select the top 5)

Question Title

* 10. Natural lands (open spaces) within the Town of Smithfield can serve a variety of purposes. Please rate how important each of these purposes is to you.

  Essential Very Important Somewhat important Not at all important
Protect wildlife habitat.
Conserve lands around stream/creeks and floodplains.
Conserve ponds and wetlands.
Conserve native plants, sensitive landscapes, and forested areas.
Provide recreation trails and greenways.
Provide natural setting for outdoor activities/exploration.
Preserve areas with beautiful or unique natural features.
Preserve scenic views and natural landscape.

Question Title

* 11. Have you ever visited the Camp Shepard Property?

Question Title

* 12. How important, if at all, do you think it is for the Town to seek alternative funding (grants or other sources) to do the following at Camp Shepard.

  Essential Very Important. Somewhat Important. Not at all important.
Renovate/enhance existing structures at Camp Shepard.
Expand recreation program and community facilities offerings.
Seek additional funding to create and maintain existing offerings.
Build additional structures or facilities.
Develop additional sports fields.

Question Title

* 13. Would you support the Town receiving state/federal grant funds if it requires Camp Shepard being open to non-Smithfield residents?

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* 14. Over the next few years, the Town will consider developing some new park amenities on the Camp Shepard property. Which of the following would you prefer be accomplished first.

  Strongly prefer Somewhat prefer Do not prefer Don't know
Improve walking and hiking trails.
Add restrooms.
Add designated fishing areas.
Add a disc-golf course.
Add outdoor sports fields.
Repair and/or renovate existing structures and buildings.
Add a banquet facility.
Add a playground.
Add outdoor sports courts (e.g. tennis, pickleball, basketball, etc.)
Provide kayaks, canoes, and paddle boards for rental.
Add a bike route.