Public Art in Augusta's River Region! Question Title * 1. What CSRA county do you live in? Richmond Columbia Burke Jenkins Lincoln Wilkes McDuffie Jefferson Taliaferro Waren Glascock Hancock Washington Aiken Edgefield Allendale Barnwell McCormick I don't live in the CSRA currently but am from the area. I don't live in the CSRA but I work here. Question Title * 2. What kind of public art or public art experiences would you like to see in Augusta's River Region/CSRA? Murals of Local Icons Colorful/Abstract Murals, Sculpture or Installations Community-Made Public Art Large Scale Murals (like the Spirit of Funk Mural in Downtown Augusta, GA) Interactive Murals / "Photo-Op" Murals Cross Walk Murals Art the Box Murals (Painted Traffic Boxes) Storm Drain Murals Large Scale Destination Sculptures (think "Cloud Gate" in Chicago, IL aka "The Bean") Public Sculpture Trails / Gardens / Parks Temporary Installation Art such as Yarn Bombings Permanent Installation Art Rotating Installations or Murals Street Performance / Busking with Dance, Music, Live Art Creating, and more Interactive Public Art for Kids and Families (art kids can play with) Non-Interactive Kid Friendly Art (things kids can look at) A Kid Friendly Art Park Beautification Projects Public Art Festivals like the recent 5th Street Mural Festival Public Art Tours Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What local public art experiences have you taken advantage of in the past? I Have Utilized the Free Otocast Self-Lead Public Art Tour APP or Website to Visit Murals, Sculptures, and/or projects and Installations. I Have Utilized the free OpenTour Self-Guided Public Art Tour Website to visit Murals, Sculptures, and/or projects and Installations. I have walked the Augusta Sculpture Trail I have walked the Golden Blocks Trail I have been on the Promenade & Paint Public Art Experience I attended the free 5th Street Mural Festival I attended Arts in the Heart and saw the Yarn Art Installations I have visited public art in my community I have taken photos with public art in Augusta's River Region Other (please specify) None of the above Question Title * 4. In what ways, if any, have you contributed to public art in our community? I have created public art in my community I have volunteered at public art events and projects I have donated to help fund public art I have donated property, such as the use of a wall or land, for public art installations I lead a public art tour I share local public art happenings on my social media Other (please specify) Done!