Cell Phones in RBWO Placements

1.Proposed New RBWO Minimum Standard

Providers must develop and implement policies and procedures that support youth’s ability to have and use cell phones while placed with RBWO providers. Providers should consult with DFCS, at the time of placement, to determine whether the youth has or will obtain a cell phone and to develop an individualized cell phone plan for the youth. This plan should be signed by both DFCS and the youth during admission into the program. The cell phone plan should be individualized, based on the child’s age and history, and should include all of the following areas: 

·       Detailed guidelines around when youth are allowed to have cell phones in their possession;

·       Daily cell phone usage timeframes;

·       Prohibited behaviors when using cell phones;

·       Consequences for inappropriate cell phone usage;

·       Supervision plan for youth that have cell phones;

·       Expectations around Cell phone damages and costs;

·       Training on Cell phone/Internet Safety;

·       Procedures for ensuring that cell phones are provided to youth at discharge.