The City undertakes 5-yearly structural condition assessments of coastal infrastructure (including Beach Access Ways (BAW) and Lookouts) to inform the City’s upgrade and renewal Capital Works Program. During the 2021 assessment, two (2) BAW’s in Jindalee, namely Jindalee BAW Central and Jindalee BAW South, were identified as requiring renewal/upgrade within the next five years.

The City of Wanneroo are seeking feedback from community users of these two BAWs to help inform the City’s decision regarding BAW renewal/upgrade. Both BAWs are located in close proximity to the Jindalee Beach Shack and situated between the Northern Jindalee Beach Access Stairs and the Waterland Point Beach Access Stairs. Please see the locality plan below.   

As outlined in the below locality map, both Jindalee Central BAW and the Jindalee South BAW structures consist of two (2) main sections:
- A Boardwalk section: and
- A Beach Access Stair section.

The Boardwalk section connects the BAW to the existing north-south coastal Dual-use Pathway, with the stairs providing access on to the beach. 

The 2021 structural condition assessment indicated that the Beach Access Stair sections for both BAWs are in poor condition and need replacement.  However, the Boardwalk sections of both BAWs are in reasonable condition with a potential 10 to 15 years of service life remaining, subject to regular maintenance in line with coastal conditions.

Due to the high number of beach access ways in the area, ongoing high frequency maintenance requirements and increasing construction costs, the City are investigating the following renewal options:
- Option 1 - Renewing the stair section of just one of these BAW structures, with the other BAW being removed;
- Option 2 - Renewing the stair sections of both structures (Jindalee BAW Central and Jindalee BAW South); or
- Option 3 - Removing both BAW structures entirely and constructing a new* access way between the current BAW structures. 

*The new beach access way would be located between Jindalee BAW North and Jindalee BAW Central. In the event that a new beach access way is constructed, the Jindalee BAW Central and Jindalee BAW North will be removed. 

The estimated cost of replacement of the access stairs section only is as follows:
- Option 1 - Renew Jindalee BAW Central (Stairs Section Only): $310,000
- Option 2 - Renew both Jindalee Beach Access Ways (Stairs Section Only): $780,000
- Option 3 - New Beach Access Way (with removal of existing stairs): $1,110,000

The outcome of this survey would be used along with other considerations (e.g. environmental and cost factors) to inform the decision making for the renewal/upgrade works.
Please take a few minutes to complete the online survey for the Jindalee Beach Access Ways.  Your feedback will help guide the future of these structures.

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