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Genetic Engineering & Its Future Implications: A Survey
What is your opinion on animal testing?
Describe your prior knowledge in genetics and or what topics you would most like to learn about in this subject.
Explain your feelings regarding editing animals' genes for human needs / wants (i.e., chickens modified to have no feathers for faster meat production or the flat faces of bulldogs).
Based on the examples from the previous question (i.e., chickens with no feathers and a bulldog's flat face), do you think such practices on genetically modifying animals are entirely ethical? Explain in 1-3 sentences.
Recently, the process of gene editing (inserting foreign DNA into a recipient to modify their genetic makeup) has been used to combat genetic diseases such as Sickle-cell anemia. What are your predictions on how this could positively or negatively influence the future? Explain in 1-3 sentences.
Describe and thoroughly explain (2-3 sentences) your thoughts on the ability to alter the physical features (eye color, hair color, height, etc.) of a pet prior to its birth?
Describe and thoroughly explain (2-3 sentences) your thoughts on the ability to alter the physical features (eye color, hair color, height, etc.) of a child prior to its birth?
If given the opportunity to genetically alter a pet or child's immune system prior to birth, would you if that living organism would be free of diseases during its life? Why? If not, describe any concerns you think would come out of it.
What do you assume when you first hear the phrases “designer pets” and “designer babies”?
Would you or anyone you know of with a great deal of knowledge on this topic be interested in a potential interview? Please list names and contact information if so.
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