Thank you for registering for the Eugene Symphony's Fall Youth Concert. If you have questions or need assistance filling out this form, please contact: Katy Vizdal, Education & Community Engagement Director,, 541-687-9487 x1116.

Concert Details
Peter and the Wolf
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Performances at 10:30 AM & 12:30 PM
Silva Concert Hall, Hult Center for the Performing Arts

Concert Fee:
$5.00 for each student and adult. One chaperone per fifteen students will be admitted for free. Scholarships available upon request.

Payment is due by Friday, November 29, 2024. Please make checks payable to "Eugene Symphony Association." You will receive a confirmation email, which will include your invoice amount, shortly after your registration form is received. Schools will be charged for cancellations made less than one week prior to the concert.

Question Title

* 1. School Name

Question Title

* 2. District Number (eg. Eugene-4J, Springfield-19, Bethel-52)

Question Title

* 3. Is your school Title I?

Question Title

* 4. Please select the category below that best describes your school:

Question Title

* 5. Primary Contact (Name)

Question Title

* 6. Contact Position

Question Title

* 7. Contact E-mail Address

Question Title

* 8. Billing Contact (Name, Title)

Question Title

* 9. Billing Contact (E-mail Address)

Question Title

* 10. School Mailing Address

Question Title

* 11. City

Question Title

* 12. Zip Code

Question Title

* 13. School Phone Number

Question Title

* 14. Grade(s) Attending

Question Title

* 15. Select which performance your school will attend:

Question Title

* 16. Number of Students Attending

Question Title

* 17. Number of Chaperones (Including Teachers) Attending

Question Title

* 18. Number of Scholarships Requested (students only)

Question Title

* 19. Estimated Number of Buses

Question Title

* 20. Please share any special seating accommodations we can provide here: (eg. wheelchair accessibility, preferred seating area in the hall, etc.)

Question Title

* 21. How did you find out about this Youth Concert?

Question Title

* 22. Please list any additional questions or comments you have here: