Thank you for your participation in this voluntary survey. Any identifying information will be kept confidential, but replies are intended for educational use for speech-language pathologists. This survey is intended to 1) identify the practical linguistic and cognitive functions involved in gaming that are affected by traumatic brain injury, stroke, long COVID, and other acquired neurological impairments; 2) determine if “accessibility features” within games are known and useful to those persons with neurological impairments; this data will then be combined with 3) possible therapy options to address difficulties while gaming; with the additional goal of 4) informing speech-language pathologists (SLPs) of the above information, notably of the cognitive-linguistic functions used and affected; and finally, 5) to act as a "proof of concept" as a stepping stone for need of further research. Ultimately, this may assist SLPs in choosing therapies to remediate symptoms of acquired neurological conditions. This survey should take approximately 5 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. Which describes the cause of your impairments:

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* 2. Please indicate if you experience any of the following:

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* 3. Which terms are you familiar with?

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* 4. Please indicate any rehabilitation services you have pursued:

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* 5. In regards to gaming, I feel the following have been affected (please indicate all that apply):

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* 6. Please indicate the platforms you game on:

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* 7. Please indicate the genre(s) of games you are currently able to enjoy:

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* 8. Please indicate which features you use or have used:

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* 9. Do you feel medically supported (e.g., neurologist, speech pathologist) in your recovery in regards to your symptoms?