About This Evaluation
Evaluations are an important part of good ministry. Our pastor is committed to working with the congregation in the best possible ways to further God's ministry in all that we do together. Your responses on the following pages will help us all know how to refine our efforts.
The survey is comprised of the following areas of evaluation:
Pastoral Ministry
Pulpit Worship Ministry
Church Administration
Personal Qualities
Community and Denominational Participation
Evangelism Leadership
Community Life and Growth
Faith Development Leadership
Pastoral Ministry
Pulpit Worship Ministry
Church Administration
Personal Qualities
Community and Denominational Participation
Evangelism Leadership
Community Life and Growth
Faith Development Leadership
On each page you'll find questions asking you to rank the pastor's performance on a series of skills. You will also find a comment box for you to make additional notes on that particular area of evaluation. At the end of the survey you will also be invited to share with the pastor more general statements of appreciation, concern, and growth.
Thank you for participating in this important aspect of our community life. Rev. Kent is a gift to us and your honest evaluation will help him grow to be an even more effective pastor.
Susan Doring-Zook
Chair of Pastoral Relations Board
December 2018
Susan Doring-Zook
Chair of Pastoral Relations Board
December 2018