Exit 50 Fastest 2025 The Search is On! The Women Presidents Organization and JPMorgan Chase Commercial Banking have launched the search for the 50 Fastest Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies™.2025 marks the 18th annual listing of the 50 Fastest Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies™. Applicants are not required to be members or to join the organization and will be ranked according to revenue growth from 2020 to 2024. In addition to being on this prestigious list, the 50 Fastest Growing Companies have the chance of being published online and in print!To be eligible, companies must be: Privately owned Women-owned/led The business must have generated at least $500,000 (USD) in revenue in each of the past five years (2020-2024) Revenues must be converted to USD Applicants are not required to join or be members of the WPO, and there is no cost to apply. Applicants can apply each year if they continue to meet the eligibility criteria.Any questions may be sent to fastgrowth@women-presidents.com.DEADLINE: February 17, 2025To complete this application you will need the following: Company information including address, website, description of business, year business started Company owner information, including name, age, gender Company revenues in 2020, 2022, 2024 Employee information, including total employment, benefits offered Sources of startup capital Company’s use of social media Finalists may be required to submit proof of revenue with financial and/or tax documents *Please note the information you provided may be made public through print or online media including in the 50 Fastest listing.Winners will be announced at the WPO Entrepreneurial Excellence Forum on May 8th in San Antonio, TX.Thank you and good luck!Camille BurnsCEO, WPO Next