Title I Parent and Family Engagement Survey - May 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians and Family Members:

As we strive to make our schools a safe and motivating place for your child to learn, we are reviewing our current parent programs. Your input is an important part of this process. The following survey is confidential and will be used to assist us with future planning for parent and family engagement activities and events at our schools.  The focus of all Title I programming is to help eligible students meet the same high academic achievement standards expected of all children, regardless of their socioeconomic status and background.  We appreciate your feedback and thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.

If you have children who attend different schools in the district, we ask that you complete separate surveys for each school that your children attend.
1.What school does your child attend?
2.In what grade is your child enrolled?
3.Did you receive an invite to attend the Title I Parent Meeting at the beginning of this school year and were the goals and activities of the Title I program discussed? 
4.Listed below are some of the Title I activities that were planned for this school year.  Please provide your feedback by marking the circle that best describes your opinion for each item.
Not Valuable
Little Value
Rather Valuable
Very Valuable
Did Not Participate
Reading Night
Parent Institute Newsletter
Parent Advisory Meetings
Restorative Justice Parent Trainings
Registration Assistance
Math Night
Technology Night
Title I Parent Meeting
5.How would you like to see parent and family engagement funds used?  Please check all that apply.
6.Which of the following prevent you from being able to participate in school/district functions and activities? Please check all that apply.
7.What types of trainings or programs to improve student academic achievement would you likely participate in if they were offered by the school/district?  Please check all that apply.
8.Which of the following would enable you to participate in parent meetings and school activities? Please check all that apply.
9.Select any of the following which should be used to better engage the family/community in meaningful activities which promote academic achievement. Please heck all that apply.