Spokane Valley Pedestrian Bridge across I-90 North Spokane Corridor Community Visioning - People, Places and Possibilities What is the purpose of this survey?The following questions aim to understand the communities preferences on bridge type and preferred location for the Pedestrian Bridge in the Spokane Valley that will cross I-90. If you need assistance navigating this survey, or have general questions about this project please email erconnect@wsdot.wa.govWhat will the information you provide tell us, and how will it be used?Your preferences will shape the final design for the pedestrian bridge.How long will it take to complete the survey?The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete.English Title VI Notice to Public, Español-Spanish Notificación de Titulo VI al Público, 한국어-Korean 제6조 관련 공지사항, русский-Russian Раздел VI Общественное заявление, tiếng Việt-Vietnamese Thông báo Khoản VI dành cho công chúng, اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ-Arabic العنوان 6 إشعار للجمهور (PDF 347KB)This survey is scheduled to remain open through April 13, 2025 Question Title * Truss and Girder Pedestrian Bridges What are your initial thoughts when you see each bridge type? How do you think each style fits within the local context (aesthetically, culturally, etc.)? Question Title * What is your preferred bridge type? Girder:-Structural supports below the walking path, providing a more open feel-Higher elevation, requiring longer ramps to reach the ground-Unobstructed views off the bridge through a fence or handrailTruss:-Structural supports above the walking path, creating a more enclosed feel-Lower elevation, meaning the bridge isn’t as high in the air-Shorter ramps for easier access-Matches future Children of the Sun Trail sections north of Sprague Avenue Question Title * What do you want to connect to?List locations that are important to you in the East Central neighborhood—places you visit often, special spots, or routes you use to cross I-90. Share why these places matter to you and how they connect to your daily life. Question Title * Where is your preferred pedestrian bridge location? (Click the location on the map within the highlighted area to select.) Question Title * Additional comments: Question Title * Tell us about yourself! (Optional) Name Neighborhood Connection Communications Opt In - Email Question Title * What is your primary area of residence? (Click the location on the map to select.) Question Title * How would you like to stay informed and engaged in current and future WSDOT projects in your community? Select all that apply. Community meetings (in-person) Virtual meetings or webinars Online surveys or interactive maps Email updates or newsletters Social media updates Pop-up events/Listening Sessions (e.g., libraries, markets) One-on-one conversations with project staff Other (please specify) Question Title * Would you be interested in participating in a short demographic survey to help us better serve our community? Yes No Next